Finds Of The Week #2
A list of content I've found while browsing the web, second edition

· 4 min read
So I’m here, back again. From my own (depressingly low apparently) expectations, I’m actually surprised that I could get to the second post of this series.
The thing is not even about finding content to talk about, but more on how to better present them so it makes sense on why that content is worth checking. And if I could only write a little about something every time, things could be easier. But there’ll be for sure times that I’ll get inspired to talk a lot of something, like the history and religion channel on the previous post. I better write more, faster, if I want to keep this thing going weekly 😬.
Komboza - Pizzaria Marte
What’s about: A psychedelic rock band from Curitiba, Brazil.
From chill trippy keyboard strikes to groovy bass and drumms guiding, it’s actually kinda difficult for me to describe a unique style that can describe this band. Komboza’s music spans several genres, blending Brazilian popular music (MPB) with influences of ska (right?), rock, funk, and alternative styles. In many ways for me they remember sticky fingers. I mean, that’s my reference so what are you doing? Go ahead and listen to the album already, and take conclusions for yourself. I definitely feel like it’s a great album to listen to at any time, and mostly when you need to uplift yourself or simply relax.
ODGProd Future dub radio
What’s about: An online radio that plays dub music and alike.
ODGPROD (Original Dub Gathering) is a label founded by the french band Ondubground in 2005. After 15 years, the label offers more than 300 albums/Ep free and legally from many artists around the world, but mostly from france. This is a radio that plays 24/7 on youtube and you can actually check more about the songs in their site and download them too!
Complexity: Why cant we make simple software
What’s about: An incredible talk about complexity and its manifestations on software.
This talk, placed in Seattle at handmade, an indie conference for low-level programmers, is a class on how complexity grows as we progress into solving every emerging new problem our software is required to deal with.The speaker, Peter Van Hardenberg, explain clearly in daily situations, how we as software developers are constantly making strategies for expected complexities and mitigations for any accidental complexity.
It’s a great lesson for any project manager, even though it extends the talked topics to the proportions and speeds specifically found on computer programming problems. As said in a comment in the video, “programming is the art of making complexity trade-offs.”, and that’s something any manager can relate. Or as another commenter perfectly said: This presentation is basically the talk I have with every stakeholder at some point but most of it just gets dismissed as “nerd shit”, and thaaat’s something that also could be good to some managers to learn some things or two.
N++: A blanket for your brain
What’s about: An analysis of the history and what makes N++, and its predecessors, one of the best platformers there is.
This is a video essay about an 11 years in the making flash game called n: the way of the ninja that, after even more decades of improvements and new iterations of their game, it has now as its latest release, the so-called n++. For this latest iteration of the game, the video shows that the developer smashed together everything good that they learned from years experimenting on the game with the community. Hundreds of levels plus community created ones, great music to put you on the gameplay’s mood and great visual design are some of the aspects that make this game special. This review goes deeper into these and many other points, so go check the video.
Kill Six Billion Demons - Webcomic
What’s about: A fantastic webcomic with a very creative and distinct lore.
A great friend of mine, and work acquaintance during that time, showed me this webcomic launched in 2013 by Tom Parkinson-Morgan. It’s a story of Allison, a human girl that, from a very violent surprising event, gets in contact to a totally different universe. She discovers a whole new world with eons of history, full of races, environments, culture and its sacred exquisite mythology. I haven’t got past the book one and that was already some time ago. I’ll definitely take this post as an opportunity to re-read this piece of work and there is a chance of you liking it too.