Web Development Channels Worth Checking Out
From React and code tips to tutorials and humor.

· 2 min read
YouTube alone is an endless platform where we occasionally break out of our recommendation bubbles and discover incredible channels. In this post, I bring you channels in the web development field that you might not be familiar with.
1. The Primeagen
A channel hosted by a developer who works for Netflix. The Primeagen is a showman who combines programming and comedy, making any programming-related topic worth discussing.
You’ll find live streams and edited videos covering specific programming topics and reactions to current issues in the development field. You can also watch him live on YouTube and Twitch.
- The Primeagen
Main YouTube Channel
- ThePrimeTime
Clips Channel
- Canal na Twitch
2. Kevin Powell
For those who want to understand CSS, Kevin Powell’s channel is perfect. There are introductory contents as well as approaches to very specific situations that will make you say, “A-ha! That’s exactly the problem I was stuck on!”
He has a calm narrative style but is always attentive to reproducing the same situations that developers encounter. You’ll find that he exudes tranquility.
3. Web Dev Simplified
Another great channel for bite-sized learning topics. He covers topics from the HTML/CSS/JS trifecta, from introductory to modern JavaScript libraries.
His content is highly valuable for beginners in the field but also covers various topics for those already in the industry looking to learn something specific.
4. Hyperplexed
The guy behind this channel is a wizard at describing his process of analyzing and developing a solution when creating a website. His videos tend to be straight to the point, not missing the details necessary to solve a problem.
His channel includes both practical, step-by-step coding videos and user experience-based analyses, considering how the UI itself can be improved.
Hyperplexed is a channel that demonstrates how simple the web creation process can be, helping to dispel that impostor syndrome that often lurks nearby.
5. Fireship
Another channel known for its brevity and clarity. Fireship is famous for its “in 100 seconds” series, where he explains languages and tools in 100 seconds. While staying within the limits of what can be shown in that time, he focuses on key points, especially as a way to understand the pros of that language/tool. For those who enjoy Angular and Firebase, he has additional paid content in that area.
He also currently has videos summarizing the major news in the development world, always with a sharp and ironic sense of humor.