
Currently we have access to tools that enable new and improved ways to create, interact and experience the real and digital world. The level of power current software offer made being creative and productive a matter of mastering the tools we have available right now. This page is created to show the tools I use to code, write and everything included in a web developer cozy setup. It's inspired by uses.tech, a website created by Wes Bos in which agregates pages, like this one, from many people and incentivises developers and creators to share their own daily configurations and toolbox.
Linux Distribution: Debian Manjaro
Window Manager || Desktop Enviroment: dwm Gnome
General Purpose Menu Launcher: dmenu
Brain dump and writing journal: Logseq
Web Browser: Firefox
Text editor: vscodium
Email Client: Thunderbird
Terminal Emulator: st
Shell: zsh
Terminal multiplexer: tmux
tmenu tsearch
Reproduce my setup:
Password Manager: KeePassXC
Email Provider: Tutanota
Login Manager: Simple Login
File Sync: Syncthing
Launcher: Olauncher Clutter Free
Podcast Player: AntennaPod
Mail: K-9 Mail
Web Browser: Bromite
Font: jetbrains-mono through nerd fonts
Color Scheme: Wildberries Theme